Repair of PVC Windows

When choosing Windows or doors, it is important to keep in mind that, in case of repair, they will need to replace parts. And these details should be available.

✔ Therefore, it is better to choose a well-known brand.

✔ And a company that will always come to the rescue!

Try to maintain your windows in a timely manner. This will extend their life.

PVC window repair in Valencia
  • Adjustment and lubrication
  • Repair and replacement of hardware
  • Elimination of sagging sashes
  • Replacement of double-glazed units and rubber seals
  • Installing handles and handles with locks for children's safety
  • Repair of shutters




PVC windows provide high thermal insulation, which affects energy and economic savings in your home. You can save up to 70% on heating in winter and 55% on air conditioning in summer.



PVC windows keep heat well in the room after turning off the heating. This way we can reduce energy losses by up to 70%, which will save you a lot of costs on your electricity bills.


Through the use of glass of different thicknesses, PVC windows can be configured to maximize their acoustic insulation characteristics, providing maximum comfort in your home.

RSV Ventanas

RSV Ventanas is the representative of the REHAU PVC windows factory in Valencia.

Always choose the best. If you need windows, they have to be REHAU brand. After all, quality is a pleasure to use the product for a long time!

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